[Detox Your Soul] Day 20 – Fun, Fulfillment & Freedom

Ok…here’s a transparency moment – There are some days when I feel less than great. Low, grouchy, fed-up, and bored are all words you could use to describe what I’m like on those days and I’m probably not the best company.

The thing is, days like those are part of the deal with being human – it’s not an elective. There will always be off days, and that’s okay.

But what happens when you get a whole string of those off-days, maybe lasting weeks, months or even years? Too many of us say that we’re in a rut, feel stuck, fed-up, or bored and admit that we don’t want things to be that way, but we don’t know what to do to change. That’s the problem, when you’re in a rut, you don’t have the energy or motivation to change things for the better, and it’s tough to find the insight or resources you need to make that jump.

Here are three things you can add to your life right now to climb, or better yet, leap, out of the rut and start to get something better for yourself.

 Get Some Fun, Fulfillment and Freedom

The Three F’s – Fun, Fulfilment, and Freedom – encompass a lot of what people are looking for in life, and also contain the solutions to having, doing and being those things. Here are some definitions:

Fun – A source of enjoyment or pleasure; playful activity

Fulfillment – To bring into actuality; to complete; a feeling of satisfaction at having achieved your desires

Freedom – The capacity to exercise choice, free will; frankness or boldness; the absence of constraint in choice or action

Read those again. Those things are huge, deep, and broad, and are a lot simpler than we make them.

Cleansing Exercise

Ask Yourself…

Where are you in relation to each of the Three F’s? How much of each do you have right now? How much of each do you want? Whatever gap there is, recognize that it can be closed, and that you can close it.

What would things be like if you were to close that gap? What would happen if you climbed a point or two on the Fun scale? What if you could add a point to your level of Fulfillment or Freedom? How would that feel? Pretty good, right? So what one thing can you do right now to help you get more?

By themselves each of the Three F’s are a powerful thing, and can really help to move you forward, enjoy where you are, and feel alive. But when the Three F’s come together . . .well, just hold on to your hat and keys.

Before long, you’ll be saying – “Rut? What rut?” 🙂 Woo Hoo!!

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